Jupyterhub configurations - https (with a self signed certificate) and starting with a shared directory for multiple users
Generate the default configuration file. $jupyterhub --generate-config This will generate the default configuration that will be used by Jupyterhub, in the directory where the command is run. We are going to do changes. But, running this proves the fact that Jupyterhub installation has been successful in your box. Rename the config file. Call this as def_config.py Move this config file to the site-packages directory where jupyterhub is installed. If you do not know the site-packages directory where jupyterhub is installed, do execute the command, $sudo find / -iname jupytherhub You will find a lot of results.. In those results check for the site-packages directory.. it will be something like ……/python3.x/site-packages/jupyterhub/ Make a copy of the def_config.py and call it as ssl_config.py in the same folder ……/python3.x/site-packages/jupyterhub/ Run the following command to create a self signed certificate $ openssl req ...